Why Do I Need A Home Inspection?
The purchase of a home is the largest single investment you will ever make. You should learn as much as you can about the condition of the property and the need for any major repairs before you buy, so you can minimize unpleasant surprises and difficulties afterwards. After the inspection, you will have a much clearer understanding of the property. If you are already a homeowner, a home inspection may be used to identify problems in the making and take preventative measures which might avoid costly repairs in the future. If you are planing to sell your home on the market, you may wish to have an inspection performed prior to placing your home on the market. This will give you a better understanding of the conditions which may be discovered by the buyer's inspector and an opportunity to make repairs that will put the house in a better selling position. Having an inspection will help you comply with current disclosure laws concerning the sale of your property.
Can I Do It Myself?
Even the most experienced homeowner lacks the knowledge and years of expertise of a professional home inspector. An inspector is familiar with the elements of home construction and remains completely objective and unemotional about the home.
Can A Home Inspection Fail?
NO! A professional home inspection is an examination of the condition of the home on the day it is inspected; it is not an appraisal, which determines market value or a municipal inspection, which verifies local code compliance, but rather describes its visible physical condition and indicates what may need major repairs in the near future.
Do I Have To Be There?
It is not necessary for you to be present for the inspection, however it is encouraged. The inspection will last between 2-1/2 and 3-1/2 hrs.
Who Hires The Inspector?
The Client usually retains the inspector. The Inspector works for you. The report cannot be given to anyone else without your written consent.
How Much Does It Cost?
The purchase of a property will likely be the most expensive investment people will make in their lives, it doesn't make sense to shop for the least expensive inspector you can find. What is the saying, "Pennywise and Pound Foolish". That is most certainly true, in todays world, you get what you pay for. Don't be fooled by individuals whose training consists of viewing a video tape for 2 hours and then claim to be a "House Inspector" Check for "Certifications" before hiring an inspector. No Home Inspection can guarantee there won't be problems, even new homes are not perfect on the day their new owners move in. A Certified Home Inspector can point out existing or potential problems that would require attention either by the seller or buyer. Please call 801-913-7183 for pricing.
You, the Buyer, are saving yourself from problems you never contemplated when buying the "Dream House" you wanted.
You, the Seller, are complying with current disclosure laws concerning the sale of your property.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
About My Northern Utah Home Inspection Company

Hidden Valley Property Inspection of Sandy, Utah proudly offers home inspection services to clients seeking top quality, professionalism, and attention to detail.
Utah has some very unique weather and seasons, I am very aware of what each of Utah's seasons are doing to your potential new home, inside and out. I will be inspecting your next home or property with extreme patience and detail. I will inspect the home and property as if I were looking to buy it myself!
My Qualifications
Home Inspection Certification, Allied Business School, Laguna Beach, CA.
Bachelor of Science, Geography, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
I am a member in good standing with the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. InterNACHI is one of the largest home inspection associations in the United States.
I fulfill 24 credit hours of continuing education and recurrent training every year to maintain the highest level of proficiency.
I follow InterNACHI's Standards of Practice.
I abide by InterNACHI's Code of Ethics.
Over 14 years of residential building and renovating experience.
I truly enjoy my work and it shows.
I am an ATP rated Pilot and Certified Flight Instructor. I bring my attention to detail and passion for proper training and certification in the Aviation field to my Inspection business and related services.
Did you know that Utah is one of the few states that does not have or require a state license for Home Inspectors?
I am giving you the assurance that I have put in the book work, time and money to get properly certified to highest possible level until the state of Utah requires Home Inspectors to pass and hold a state license to remain in business!
I have done as much on my own dime that I can to be the best at what I do. Please educate yourself before selecting your home inspector.
Ask them these questions...
1. Where did you get your training?
2. Are you certified/licensed? By Who? (NACHI, ASHI, etc.)
3. How do you keep proficient in your trade?
4. What kind of Inspection report do you use?
I am required by the above mentioned association, NACHI to take yearly recurrent training courses and tests in all fields relating to home inspections. I must pass these exams with an 80% or better to maintain my membership. (below is a breakdown of all required additional yearly training)
I invite you to visit: www.nachi.org for more details!
This is just one of many ways I can assure you that you are getting the best inspection for your time and money.
The yearly recurrent courses include: Structural, Roofing, Foundations, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Attics and Insulation, Fireplaces and Chimneys, Mold, Interior Fixtures, Exterior, Appliances, Doors and Windows, Pools and Saunas, and Termite and Rodent problems...Just to name a few!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
You've found the house. Is it the right one?

A Home Inspection for the home buyer can make your dream home a worry-free reality.
Finding a new home can be exhilarating, but nothing's worse than buying your dream house, moving in, and finding out that there are serious issues. So make sure your experience is a positive one, all the way through, with home buyer inspection services from Hidden Valley Property Inspection. You'll know the condition of your prospective new home and will be able to make an informed decision, offer the right price, know what to expect once you move in and what to plan for in the years to come.
With a Hidden Valley Property Inspection home inspection, you'll receive a detailed, comprehensive report that explains the condition (both positive and negative) of the home's structural elements, major systems and components. The friendly, knowledgeable and experienced home inspector will answer any questions you may have about your home, during the inspection process or anytime afterwards, so you can make your purchasing decision with confidence.
Hidden Valley Property Inspection offers a number of home inspection services for home buyers, all with a complete report and color digital photographs. Call: 801-913-7183 or visit www.hiddenvalleypropertyinspection.com for more details and to book your next inspection online.
Standard Full-Home Inspection
A thorough inspection of the home's major systems, this home inspection is for the buyer who is primarily concerned with the systems that make the home livable. This visual home inspection includes hundreds of items, from the foundation to the roof and all the major systems of the house including electrical, plumbing and heating/air conditioning. The inspection takes between 2 1/2 and 3 hours depending on the size of the home.
Items inspected include:
Basement or crawl space
Interior and exterior walls
Water heater
Heating and air conditioning systems
Electrical system
Plumbing system and fixtures
Porches and decks
Fireplace and exterior chimney
Condominium/Townhome Inspection
Like houses, condos and townhouses should also be inspected before purchase. Hidden Valley Property Inspection provides an extensive inspection of the condominium or townhouse interior reviews the structure, mechanical, and plumbing, electrical and heating/AC systems within the unit, along with any built-in appliances. This inspection takes the home inspector 1 to 2 hours to complete and will provide you with peace of mind in knowing that the unit is sound.
Duplex/Multiplex Inspection
I provide comprehensive inspections for multi-unit properties (duplexes, multiplexes, etc.). Similar to a standard or extended full home inspection, this inspection reviews all visual aspects of the individual units of a property, as well as all shared major systems and structural components.
HUD/Foreclosed Inspection
These type of properties require the all of the important areas of a typical home inspection, but due to the nature of the property they need some additional attention to detail from the inspector. In most cases the previous occupant had to leave the property under forced or stressed circumstances. It is not uncommon to find intentional damage to the property from either the previous occupant or others since these homes often sit for long periods of time unoccupied.
Winterization following HUD Inspection
After your HUD home inspection, HUD requires the home to be Winterized. Hidden Valley Property Inspection is happy to offer this service.
I Only Work For You
You can count on Hidden Valley Property Inspection for a timely and accurate assessment of the condition of your potential new home. We work for you and you only. The knowledgeable and experienced home inspectors will explain the inspection process and findings to you, and answer any questions you may have at the time of the inspection and afterward should any arise.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Burglary Prevention Tips
* Make your home look occupied, and make it difficult to break in.
* Lock all outside doors and windows before you leave the house or go to bed. Even if it is for a short time, lock your doors.
* Leave lights on when you go out. If you are going to be away for a length of time, connect some lamps to automatic timers to turn them on in the evening and off during the day.
* Keep your garage door closed and locked.
* Don't allow daily deliveries of mail, newspapers or flyers build up while you are away. Arrange with the Post Office to hold your mail, or arrange for a friend or neighbor to take them regularly.
* Arrange for your lawn to be mowed if you are going away for an extended time.
* Check your locks on doors and windows and replace them with secure devices as necessary.
* Pushbutton locks on doorknobs are easy for burglars to open. Install deadbolt locks on all your outside doors.
* Sliding glass doors are vulnerable. Special locks are available for better security.
* Other windows may need better locks. Check with a locksmith or hardware store for alternatives.
Don't tempt a thief:
* Lawn mowers, snow blowers, barbecues and bicycles are best stored out of sight.
* Always lock your garden sheds and garages.
* Use curtains on garage and basement windows.
* Never leave notes on your door such as "Gone shopping."
Locks…get the best:
* No lock, regardless of its quality, can be truly effective. Key-in dead bolt locks provide minimum security. Ask a locksmith for advice on your situation.
* Change locks immediately if your keys are lost or stolen.
* When moving into a new home, have all locks changed.
Targeting the Outside:
* Have adequate exterior lighting. A motion-sensitive light is recommended for backyards.
* Trim trees and shrubs so that they cannot be used as hiding places for intruders.
* Make sure your door hinges are on the inside.
* Most windows can be pinned for security.
* Drill a 3/16" hole on a slight downward slant through the inside window frame and halfway into the outside frame - place a nail in the hole to secure the window.
* An alarm system is excellent for home security. It provides peace of mind to homeowners, especially while on vacation. There is a wide variety of alarm systems on the market.
* Make several inquiries to different companies for the best security system available to you.
If Your Home Is Broken Into:
If you come home to find an unexplained open/broken window or door:
* Do not enter - the perpetrator may still be inside.
* Use a neighbor's phone to call police.
* Do not touch anything or clean up until the police have inspected for evidence.
* Write down the license plate numbers of any suspicious vehicles.
* Note the descriptions of any suspicious persons.
Other precautions you should take:
* Never leave keys under doormats, flowerpots, mailboxes or other "secret" hiding places -- burglars know where to look for hidden keys.
* Keep a detailed inventory of your valuable possessions, including a description of the items, date of purchase and original value, and serial numbers, and keep a copy in a safe place away from home -- this is a good precaution in case of fires or other disasters. Make a photographic or video record of valuable objects, heirlooms and antiques. Your insurance company can provide assistance in making and keeping your inventory.
* Trim your shrubbery around your home to reduce cover for burglars.
* Be a good neighbor. If you notice anything suspicious in your neighborhood, call 9 1 1 immediately.
* Mark your valuables with your driver's license number with an engraver you can borrow from your precinct. Marked items are harder for a burglar to dispose of and easier for police to recover.
* Form a Neighborhood Watch Group. It can help you work with your neighbors to improve security and reduce risk of burglary.
* Consider installing a burglar alarm system.
The MOST important thing YOU can do is CALL THE POLICE to report a CRIME or any SUSPICIOUS activity. You have to be the eyes of your neighborhood. And remember you can always remain a pair of anonymous eyes!
Remember the three L's of Crime Prevention: LIGHTS, LOCKS & the LAW!
Light up your residence, lock your doors at all times, and call the Law when you see something suspicious
* An alarm system is excellent for home security. It provides peace of mind to homeowners, especially while on vacation. There is a wide variety of alarm systems on the market.
* Make several inquiries to different companies for the best security system available to you.
* Lock all outside doors and windows before you leave the house or go to bed. Even if it is for a short time, lock your doors.
* Leave lights on when you go out. If you are going to be away for a length of time, connect some lamps to automatic timers to turn them on in the evening and off during the day.
* Keep your garage door closed and locked.
* Don't allow daily deliveries of mail, newspapers or flyers build up while you are away. Arrange with the Post Office to hold your mail, or arrange for a friend or neighbor to take them regularly.
* Arrange for your lawn to be mowed if you are going away for an extended time.
* Check your locks on doors and windows and replace them with secure devices as necessary.
* Pushbutton locks on doorknobs are easy for burglars to open. Install deadbolt locks on all your outside doors.
* Sliding glass doors are vulnerable. Special locks are available for better security.
* Other windows may need better locks. Check with a locksmith or hardware store for alternatives.
Don't tempt a thief:
* Lawn mowers, snow blowers, barbecues and bicycles are best stored out of sight.
* Always lock your garden sheds and garages.
* Use curtains on garage and basement windows.
* Never leave notes on your door such as "Gone shopping."
Locks…get the best:
* No lock, regardless of its quality, can be truly effective. Key-in dead bolt locks provide minimum security. Ask a locksmith for advice on your situation.
* Change locks immediately if your keys are lost or stolen.
* When moving into a new home, have all locks changed.
Targeting the Outside:
* Have adequate exterior lighting. A motion-sensitive light is recommended for backyards.
* Trim trees and shrubs so that they cannot be used as hiding places for intruders.
* Make sure your door hinges are on the inside.
* Most windows can be pinned for security.
* Drill a 3/16" hole on a slight downward slant through the inside window frame and halfway into the outside frame - place a nail in the hole to secure the window.
* An alarm system is excellent for home security. It provides peace of mind to homeowners, especially while on vacation. There is a wide variety of alarm systems on the market.
* Make several inquiries to different companies for the best security system available to you.
If Your Home Is Broken Into:
If you come home to find an unexplained open/broken window or door:
* Do not enter - the perpetrator may still be inside.
* Use a neighbor's phone to call police.
* Do not touch anything or clean up until the police have inspected for evidence.
* Write down the license plate numbers of any suspicious vehicles.
* Note the descriptions of any suspicious persons.
Other precautions you should take:
* Never leave keys under doormats, flowerpots, mailboxes or other "secret" hiding places -- burglars know where to look for hidden keys.
* Keep a detailed inventory of your valuable possessions, including a description of the items, date of purchase and original value, and serial numbers, and keep a copy in a safe place away from home -- this is a good precaution in case of fires or other disasters. Make a photographic or video record of valuable objects, heirlooms and antiques. Your insurance company can provide assistance in making and keeping your inventory.
* Trim your shrubbery around your home to reduce cover for burglars.
* Be a good neighbor. If you notice anything suspicious in your neighborhood, call 9 1 1 immediately.
* Mark your valuables with your driver's license number with an engraver you can borrow from your precinct. Marked items are harder for a burglar to dispose of and easier for police to recover.
* Form a Neighborhood Watch Group. It can help you work with your neighbors to improve security and reduce risk of burglary.
* Consider installing a burglar alarm system.
The MOST important thing YOU can do is CALL THE POLICE to report a CRIME or any SUSPICIOUS activity. You have to be the eyes of your neighborhood. And remember you can always remain a pair of anonymous eyes!
Remember the three L's of Crime Prevention: LIGHTS, LOCKS & the LAW!
Light up your residence, lock your doors at all times, and call the Law when you see something suspicious
* An alarm system is excellent for home security. It provides peace of mind to homeowners, especially while on vacation. There is a wide variety of alarm systems on the market.
* Make several inquiries to different companies for the best security system available to you.
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